Cursum Perficio | 12305 Fifth Helena

This week has been a rollercoaster of emotion for a lot of us. Learning that a permit was filed for the demolition of Marilyn’s Brentwood home – to the approval – to the emails/petitions/rallying – to Councilwoman Traci Park stepping in and being the hero we needed. Shock, despair, desperation, preparation for the worst, Frantically searching for flights to LA that I can’t afford just to see the front gate and pay my respects to Marilyn and her home. Then hope, joy, relief.

We’ve been through a lot this week (and the past few years)- Marilyn deserved a win. I know this is only the beginning of a possibly lengthy process to fully protect 12305 Fifth Helena, but I will celebrate each step of the way and be thankful to every single effort each individual makes. I think it’s appropriate to celebrate.

If this situation has taught me anything, it’s this:

  • Every effort counts no matter how small or unimportant you may feel in the grand scope of things.

  • Community is very important.

  • There are representatives and people with power and influence who do care and want to preserve history. It’s important to reach out and do so with kindness.

  • In a crisis such as this one, feel the feelings but know that not everything is in your control and that’s ok. Do what you can to lend support and have your voice be heard but also remember to take care of yourself. Be gentle with yourself and others.

  • Magic is real, good things can and do happen.

We have a long way to go, but we are on our way. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who made this happen.

If you haven’t yet, please reach out to thank Councilwoman Traci Park and her team for making this happen and show your support for their continued efforts to protect this important home.
